24 July 2002
Jonathan Djanogly commented on the shock by the Secretary of State for Transport that Alconbury Airfield is to be considered by the Government as part of the increased development of air transport in the UK.

Jonathan Djanogly, the Member of Parliament for the Huntingdon Constituency, commented on the shock by the Secretary of State for Transport that Alconbury Airfield is to be considered by the Government as part of the increased development of air transport in the UK. The Government proposes to allocate Alconbury as a potential specialised low-cost passenger airport with substantial freight capabilities, an express parcel hub and aircraft maintenance facilities.

Mr Djanogly said:

"The implications of these proposals on Huntingdonshire, which include up to one million tonnes of freight annually, night flying and five million passengers a year, are massive.

The Government suggests that around 1100 people will be exposed to significant noise annoyance; but, considering the number of surrounding villages, I find this hard to accept at face value.

The Government's forecast that up to 12,000 jobs may be created at the airport itself raises significant concerns. For instance, where will these employees come from? There is a local labour shortage as things stand. If more people are required to move to the area, how many more greenfield sites will vanish to accommodate these numbers? How many more houses will need to be built in addition to the 60,000 the Labour Government has forced upon us?

The implications for the local transport infrastructure, which may have to accommodate up to five million passengers, will surely have to involve reshaping the whole local road system even if a new train station is built at Alconbury.

In effect, what the Government is proposing will dramatically change our local living environment.

Details of the proposals and consultation forms are available on the Government Website Over the summer months, I will be consulting widely with local people and I would certainly request that constituents write to me at the House of Commons with their views on this vital issue."